Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The Blame Game
The Agent of D.A.D.D.Y. has quickly learned that no matter what happens the balem lies at the the feet of the AoD.
Spy has discovered the secret to unlocking the stroller and is thus now able to menace society at will. When Spy decides to free himself from the stroller with cookie in hand and promptly drops the cookie on the ground ... Spy's response?
"You dropped cookie, D.A.D.D.Y."
Yep, the AoD has the ability to punish Spy by commanding Spy's hand to drop the cookie. However, AoD lacks the ability to stop the escape to begin with.
When making the daily 10 minute round trip to rescue the Princess from School, Queen McKenzie always has to rush back to House because the Queen has to Potty. When the Queen fails to make it back to House in time ... you guessed it.
"It's your fault, D.A.D.D.Y."
Yep, it's the AoD has ultimate control of the Bladder. This is why the Queen refuses to go Potty before leaving House and has no desire to go Potty while at School. Because the AoD controsl the Bladder, the Aod has decided that the Queen will always have the desire to go Potty exactly half way between School and House, but ONLY on the return trip. The AoD's bladder control also ignores all past history where the Queen sat for 30 minutes during road trips because there is no Potty available.
Given 3 quarters, 4 dimes, 4 nickels and 10 pennies, the Princess Gwen must make 99 cent. When the Princess fails to find the correct change ... the AoD gets the attitude.
Spy has discovered the secret to unlocking the stroller and is thus now able to menace society at will. When Spy decides to free himself from the stroller with cookie in hand and promptly drops the cookie on the ground ... Spy's response?
"You dropped cookie, D.A.D.D.Y."
Yep, the AoD has the ability to punish Spy by commanding Spy's hand to drop the cookie. However, AoD lacks the ability to stop the escape to begin with.
When making the daily 10 minute round trip to rescue the Princess from School, Queen McKenzie always has to rush back to House because the Queen has to Potty. When the Queen fails to make it back to House in time ... you guessed it.
"It's your fault, D.A.D.D.Y."
Yep, it's the AoD has ultimate control of the Bladder. This is why the Queen refuses to go Potty before leaving House and has no desire to go Potty while at School. Because the AoD controsl the Bladder, the Aod has decided that the Queen will always have the desire to go Potty exactly half way between School and House, but ONLY on the return trip. The AoD's bladder control also ignores all past history where the Queen sat for 30 minutes during road trips because there is no Potty available.
Given 3 quarters, 4 dimes, 4 nickels and 10 pennies, the Princess Gwen must make 99 cent. When the Princess fails to find the correct change ... the AoD gets the attitude.
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