Saturday, February 03, 2007


Why? Ponderings from the Headquarters of D.A.D.D.Y.

Submitted for the Consideration of Agents of M.O.M.M.Y. and D.A.D.D.Y. worldwide

1) Why is that when they are old enough to do something (like roll down the windows in the car) that they are not old enough to know why they shouldn't do it (because the car is travelling 60MPH and it's 30 degrees F outside)?

2) Why is it that they want to eat sandwiches instead of dinner, but don;t want to eat sandwiches when you want them to (like right now)?

3) Why is it that when you catch them doing something they know they aren't supposed to do they stop, look at you, and ask "What?" as if you didn't just see what they were doing the second before they noticed they were in their presence?

4) Why is it when you describe something in the most foul way possible (this looks like green tuna fish) that they pop up and come running, but when you say "Time for bed" they never hear you the first 12 times?

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