Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Of Haircuts and Abductions

As of yesterday morning, neither Cat nor Captain Hysteria had ever visited the land of Barber. It was agreed upon by the Agents of M.O.M.M.Y. and D.A.D.D.Y. that is was time to visit the place where the Clips are Great. Of course, before going the AoM took photos of Cat and the Good Captain.

Cat cheesing it up for the camera

The Good Captain and his curly locks

Upon returning home, these pictures were taken.

Cat After the Trip

the Good Captain After the Trip?

Although, the AoD was present for the entire trip it is his belief that:
1) $10 was paid and Cat came back the same
2) rather than cut the Good Captain's hair (and thus possible cause him to lose his Hysterical powers), the place where the Clips are Great decided that it would be easier to give the Good Captain the $10 and abduct a young cadet from a local military/ spy school.

For #1, you be the judge.
For #2, that school trains their cadets well. After many hours of questioning and monitoring along with the dreaded Tickle Torture, the cadet has yet to break character. The AoD is still monitoring the situation and thus far the young cadet displays all the powers and prowess of the Good Captain.

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