Monday, November 27, 2006


Hysteria News

There is one big event that happened recently that hasn't been reported yet. It's coming and for all you that doubt that the events are real, there are pictures.

However, for now the Hysteria news is that the Good Captain went pee pee in the potty.

Captain Hysteria announced that he had to go potty. This is an announcement that happens on a fairly regular basis as the Good Captain likes to play int he land of Bath. However, this time CH marched into the Land of Bath and dumped the Eyeliner of M.O.M.M.Y. into the Realm of Toilet. The Agent of D.A.D.D.Y. rescued the EOM and CH climbed unto the Realm of Toilet (with his diaper still on). The AOD instructed CH to remove his diaper and CH then placed his diaper into the trash.

The Good Captain returned to the Realm of Toilet and the liquid did flow. After flushing the toilet and a series of high fives, The Good Captain went back to work dumping books onto the floor.

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