Wednesday, November 01, 2006


All Hallow's Eve

It was All Hallow's Eve and the Terrible Trio set forth to wreak havoc on the populace. The Trio chose clever costumes in order to protect their ever-so-secret identities. Princess Gwen became Geisha Girl. Queen Elizabeth became Alien, The Little Mermaid. Captain Hysteria became the Dread Pirate Hysteria.

With the disguises in place and the sun setting, the Trio set off. DPH jumped into his trusty Radio Flyer wagon now christianed the Hysterical Ship Revenge with GG and A the LM leading the way on foot.

The decision was made to hit up the local fire department. In year's past this is a source of candy just off the normal beaten path. This means that there is usually more candy as the fire department gets few visitors. However, this year there was just one lone person outside the fire department. He had no candy and (quite ironically) was smoking a cigarette. Thus the Trio moved on further off the beaten path in search of the ever-elusive candy.

Around the corner and down the road, the Trio found their first house with a light. With the Agent of M.O.M.M.Y, the Trio dashed across the street and up the steps to beg for candy. The Agent of D.A.D.D.Y. was left behind to guard the Hysterical Ship Revenge. This mission was a success and back across the street the Trio came. With DPH back into the HSR down the street they went hitting one house after the next until...

Up to the step unto the porch they flew ...
No answer.
"But there's a light," stated GG.
"Come on let's go to the next house," said the ever practical AoD.
"Here they come, you can see the kids in the window," said the AoM.
The door opens and out peeks a child.
"We have no candy," says the child.
And off the Trio went followed by the agents. Some one was heard quietly grumbling "... then you need to turn off your light."

After the adventure at the House with Lights but No Candy, the Trio went down the block and around the corner hitting up houses as they went along. When the Trio approached the House on the Corner, across the straight sat a couple in the dark behind their chain link fence. As the Trio returned from the House of the Corner, the couple in the dark behind their chain link fence doused their porch with light and smiled at the Trio. The AoD looked at the AoM. The agents shook their heads and moved along. If you want a visit from the Trio then you should not sit behind a CLOSED chain link fence in the DARK casually turning on the light when you were previously lurking menacingly in the dark. It's just spooky and weird.

After the experience with the Spooky and Weird Couple, the agents made the decision to join the beaten path where the multitudes swarmed. There the Trio blended in with all the other deviants out and about and also begging for candy. At this junction, DPH gave up on the HSR as it became a hindrance to his candy collecting ability to constantly hop in and out the ship. For 3 blocks, he mostly walked with a occasional voyage on the HSR and with only one shipwreck that spilled DPH and his booty unto the sidewalk.

There was another 3 blocks before DPH decided that his collected booty was enough and he climbed back into the HSR for the return journey. The ever-greedy GG and A the LM hit up all the houses on the return journey. The DPH hit up one more house for good measure before totally calling it quits for the night.

About midway back on the return journey, A the LM decided that it was time to visit the Land of Potty. A the LM announced that it was a visit that could not wait even though the Trio was still 8 blocks away from the Land of Potty and even though A the LM refused to visit the Land of Potty before leaving House. The AoD decided it was time to pick up the pace and finish up but A the LM and GG, not wanting to miss out on any candy, delayed the progress toward the Land of Potty by stopping at EVERY house along the way.

With a block left in the journey, AoD, Dread Pirate Hysteria, and the Hysterical Ship Revenge headed back to House while GG, A the LM, and AoM finished off the block. Apparently, DPH was unsatisfied with his booty or his mode of transportation, so upon arriving at House, DPH unboarded HSR and headed to White car Kirby (NOTE: WCK is not to confused with Kirby. Kirby is the red car and is always referred to as simply Kirby. WCK is a white car and is always referred as either White Car or White Car Kirby.) After a land battle with DPH, AoD bought down the pirate, separated him from his booty, docked the HSR, and made it into House just in time to see DPH strip out his garb and once again become simply Captain Hysteria.

Soon GG, A the LM, and AoM made their appearance. The 2 hour adventure was over. While GG took a bath and became Princess Gwen again, her Royal Majesty decreed that she was not going to take a bath (as she wanted a shower) and CH chomped down on the Tootsie Roll Pop that he successfully managed to steal from PG's pot. In the chaos, AoD prepared dinner while AoM separated the candy into gallon bags (yes gallon bags, there was much booty). In the trash went the unwrapped cookies and crap candies. (When will people learn that candy corn is not wanted and that no eats their baked cookies?)

Apparently, the Trio visited a dentist's house as there were sample toothpaste tubes and new toothbrushes. Those went into the medicine cabinet for later use. AoD was deeply disappointed as there were only 3 packages of the ever yummy Nerds and only a few pieces of Laffy Taffy yet there were millions and millions of Smarties AKA Crack for Kids.

The agents recently located a stash of Christmas 2005 candy, so that should get an idea of how long this stash will last. All the chocolate will disappear (with the help of AoM) within a week or so.

For those keeping track
2 hours of walking + $30 in costumes = 3 buckets of candy
The equation changes on All Saint's Day when the All Hallow's Eve candy goes on sale at 1/2 price (or less), and thus ...
15 minutes of walking + 5 minutes in line + 18 buckets of candy = $5

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