Sunday, September 24, 2006


Hysterical Games : Bite My Finger

Captain Hysteria has a regular set of games that he likes to play. One of those games is Bite My Finger. This is the way a typical game of Bite My Finger goes.

CH comes running at you full speed. CH stops just short of knocking you over. CH then raises his arms and hops, so that you bend over and pick him up. Now that CH is on your level, CH points his index finger at you and says, "Bite My Finger?"

Like any sane person you say, "No." Then CH repeats, "Bite My Finger?" and shoves his finger to your mouth. You pretend to bite his finger and then he screams, "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

Next, CH says, "Bite My Finger," but does not point at you with his finger. This is your cue to stick your finger in his mouth. It's a reciprocal game. However, while you pretended to bite his finger, CH clamps down on your finger with all his Hysterical might and doesn't let go until you scream bloody murder.

After you remove your now bite riddled, you are more cautious in the future. However, there is no avoiding the game as CH is a crafty little devil and will spring the game often with no prior warning. Once the game is sprung, you have no other course of action but to accept a bite riddled finger.

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