Sunday, July 30, 2006



Queen McKenzie and Princess Gwen are at war. The war began because the Princess declared that they were to play dolls and the Queen declared they were to play Beanie Babies. An Agent of D.A.D.D.Y. was dispatched and negotiated a ceasefire. The terms of the ceasefire stated that the Queen was to return to the Land of Kenzie and the Princess to the Land of Dolynn until such time they were able to co-exist peacefully.

10 minutes later they were co-existing peacefully and then ...
The Pretend War began. The Pretend War was started when the Queen declared that no one could have more than oen pretend pet. The Princess declared that she could have as many pretend pets as she wished (in this case 2).

The AoD sulked.
How does the Queen know how many pretend pets another person has? Is there a pretend pet registry?
Why did the Princess announce that she had more than one?

It's going to be a LOOOOOONG day.

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