Monday, April 17, 2006


Cheese, Spice and Everything Hysteria

Captain Hysteria woke up today with a new goal. CH's goal for today was Paramesan Cheese. You see CH has a great burning desire to consume PC but the agents of M.O.M.M.Y. and D.A.D.D.Y. have always been mostly successful in thwarting CH's desire to get to the yummy goodness within the green container.

So the Good Captain began this morning with a secret jaunt into the land of Fridge where he silently retrieved the PC and sat silently consuming the yummy goodness within. It was soon that the agent of D.A.D.D.Y. noticed the absence of noise and discovered the Good Captain face planted in a pile of PC. The PC was secreted back to the land of Fridge with about 1/2 it's contents.

The Good Captain then laid low for a couple hours before trying once again. This time he took his yummy cheese goodness into the headquarters of M.O.M.M.Y. There on the bed he emptied the entire remaining contents on the bed. When discovered by the agent of D.A.D.D.Y, the Good Captain was covered in PC and the poor green container was tossed to the wayside. CH was, of course, taken away kicking and screaming before the agent vacuumed the PC goodness away.

Hours later, the Good Captain was seen standing on the counter in the land of Kitchen washing down the PC with a good dose of Cinny Mon. The agent crept up behind him and snatched away the cinny goodness before setting the good Captain back upon the ground.

Having been thwarted in his Cinny Mon goal, the Goal Captain decided to have the final word by visiting the land of Fridge and stealing the last spoonful of cream cheese and tossing into some crevice in the sleepy darkness of Kidroom while being chased by the good agent. Now the cream cheese remains hidden in the darkness until the morrow when it will no doubt be found with all its rotten stinkiness.

The Good Captain now content in the mischief that he has managed settled down with a nice Shel Silverstein book before commencing to complain about the lack of liquid in his cup.

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