Sunday, March 26, 2006


Massive, Massive

Here is where I would usually go on about the misadventures of my children. But today, I just can't. Today I weep.

This morning I was awakened by a call from my mother stating that my father aneurism burst and that he was on his way to UNC hospital. I called the hospital and was told that he had a MASSIVE, massive stroke. When my mother and I arrived at the hospital and viewed the CAT scan of his head, there was so much pressure from the blood in his skull his brain (which is normally wrinkled) was smooth. The only thing keeping alive in the artificial respiration machine. We've all seen him and sometime later today (Monday 27 March 2006), they will disconnect the machine and my father will be no more. He is 53.

I'm not going to lie an say that my father was the greatest person on this earth because he was not ... but in the end he is my father ... my Dad ... we are his legacy ...

... and I weep because my children will never know him. They will never know his flaws (and he had many) but most of all they will never know the love that he had for them.

With that, I hope to return the brevity and humor that graced this blog, but until I return with more news about Captain Hysteria, Queen McKenzie, Princess Gwen, and the agents of M.O.M.M.Y. and D.A.D.D.Y. ... be sure to take the time to spend with your family. We all just get a lifetime, so maximize the time you have with those you love.

Rest In Peace
Larry Ben Walton
24 Feb 1953 - 27 Mar 2006

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