Tuesday, March 21, 2006


All Gone! All Gone!

In her infinite wisdom, the agent of M.O.M.M.Y. went out and purchased string cheese. A nice 24 pack of single sticks of skim mozzarella cheese. The thought was that since Captain Hysteria likes sliced (cheddar) cheese then maybe he will like these easy to hold cheese sticks.

Mistake #1: They are not cheddar.
Mistake #2: They are not that tasty.

Observation #1: Queen McKenzie doesn't like them. However, everytime CH or Princess Gwen wants one, QM must receive one and take one bite before saying "I don't like it" or "I don't want it."
Observation 2: CH doesn;t really like them, but they make for a great new toy until they break and he requests a new one.
Observation #3: PG is the only one that like them and will not eat one that the others have bitten a piece off of or played with.
Observation #4: They don't melt very well and thus can't be used for pizza or any other cooking purpose.

So today CH got a hankering for a cheese stick which means ... yep, QM wants one as well. 2 mintues later the agent of D.A.D.D.Y. steps on CH's discarded toy and tosses it into the trash. CH then grabs another one which the agent splits in half. CH tosses them into the trash (apparenlty they were not tall enought o play with). QM has now decided that she doesn't want hers so it's handed to CH who then flings in across the room. It too goes into the trash.

CH then dashes to get yet another one... but there are no more. CH looks at the agent and begins to dance as he chants "no more".

PG consumed 4-6.
The agents consumed 3-4.
3 were rendered useless by attempting to melt them.
The rest made their way to the trash can or are still in hiding.

Don't buy string cheese sticks.

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