Thursday, February 02, 2006
The Ferris Wheel

The picture above is of the Little People Ferris Wheel Playset. This time last year, Queen McKenzie received this and several other Little People toys from GrandDaddy. Over time, the queen, the princess, and Captain Hysteria have had their turn with the LPFWP. With Captain Hysteria the play session begins like this ...
CH runs into the room and presents the agent of D.A.D.D.Y. with the LPFWP and Sonya Lee. Sonya Lee is one of many Little People. There is also Maggie and Eddie and many others that I forget the names of right now, however CH always presents Sonya Lee to the agents...always. CH requests that Sonya Lee be placed on the Ferris Wheel. So the agent goes about placing SL onto the LPFWP. and CH says no. SL is removed and CH says no. Onto the LPFWP she goes again and once again there is a no from CH. Back and forth they go until the agent realizes that CH wants SL in the GREEN seat. And off goes CH with LPFWP in hand.
I forgot to mention that the LPFWP makes noise. It plays some music and giggles as CH cranks the handle to spin the wheel. However, the clever agents flipped the switch on the bottom to OFF, so that it no longer makes any noise. Realizing that this noise producer is no longer producing noise CH runs back to confront the agent. CH sits on the floor in front of the agent and deftly flips LPFWP and flips the switch. Smiling, he glances up to the agent and is off to play again.
The moral of our story? CH is smarter than the agents that guard him .. or the agents should completely remove the batteries from LPFWP.
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