Thursday, December 15, 2005
Liberation Time!
Back from the Land of the Freezing Rain, CH in his snazzy gray SUPERSUIT has decided that the Citizens of Crisp Berry Crunch need to be liberated from their bag prison. Utilizing the Chair of Great Height, CH brandishes the trademarked CH smile and quickly climbs towards the CoCBC.

At this crucial stage, the agents of D.A.D.D.Y. step in and confiscate the Chair of Great Height. Not swayed at all from his duties, CH takes off and spies the Chair of Lesser Height. Using the Chair of Lesser Height, CH frees 2 citizens from the Dreaded Bread Bag of Plastic and zooms off into the wilderness of Kidroom to release the citizens fend for themselves in the land of populated by ELMO, COOKIE and the others the roam in the wilderness of Kidroom.

At this crucial stage, the agents of D.A.D.D.Y. step in and confiscate the Chair of Great Height. Not swayed at all from his duties, CH takes off and spies the Chair of Lesser Height. Using the Chair of Lesser Height, CH frees 2 citizens from the Dreaded Bread Bag of Plastic and zooms off into the wilderness of Kidroom to release the citizens fend for themselves in the land of populated by ELMO, COOKIE and the others the roam in the wilderness of Kidroom.
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