Friday, December 16, 2005


"Help! Help!" Cried the Ceiling Fan

There was peace across the land all through the morning as Captain Hysteria patrolled looking for a source of mischief. Alas ... there nothing to be found as the agent of D.A.D.D.Y. was every where.

Lulled into a false sense of security, the agent dropped his guard and out came Monkey. You see, monkey is a denizen of Kidroom which causes all sorts of terror. His mere presence causes fights and screaming. Today, however, Monkey is working in tandom with CH and the Queen of Kenzie. It seems that Monkey and CH and the Queen have found their way in the headquarters of M.O.M.M.Y. and D.A.D.D.Y. because HQ is the home of the Fan in the Sky.

Monkey and CH are determined to reach FitS with the help of Bed and Clothes Basket while Queen McKenzie cheers. CH stood atop CB which is poised on top of bed with Monkey in hand and SWOOSH! BANG! PLOP! Monkey flew through the air, hit FitS and dropped to the floor.

Over and over Monkey fails to mount FitS. Unfazed, CH continues to assist Monkey reach his goal until ...
Plop? Yep. Plop went CH as he tumbled from CB and unto the clothes he removed from CB. Realizing that the PLOP! would bring the agent of D.A.D.D.Y. CH flees with Monkey into the land of Kidroom and all is quiet in the land once again.

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