Wednesday, December 14, 2005
The Dreaded Torch Lamp

Look up above. Yes ... up there. You see that? This is Captain Hysteria's new enemy ... THE DREADED TORCH LAMP (DTL).
See DTL is a lamp that uses the common everyday light bulb, but when the light bulb comes together with the lamp, it becomes DTL and is a menace to all that is dark. CH (Captain Hysteria) is determined to take out DTL so everyday after running to the fridge for his morning cup of milk (got to stay healthy) CH takes on DTL.
Today DTL has lost yet another battle, but was not left shattered, so he will return to shine his light once again.
CH's bulb tally for this week is 5.
2 shattered and 3 simply with broken filament.
He just took out another bulb (those dastardly villians) this morning. Excuse me while I go buy stock in a light bulb company.
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