Friday, December 16, 2005
Agents of W.I.P.E. and D.I.A.P.E.R.S : Do Not Apply
While awaiting the arrival of the agent of M.O.M.M.Y and Princess Gwen, the Queen and CH grew restless, so out runs the Queen and CH into chanting "Go Potty", "Go Potty!" and into the land Bath, home of the Potty they run.
You see, D.A.D.D.Y. is made up of a group of eternal optimists. By default they give everyone the benefit of the doubt. This is their tragic flaw.
In the land of Bath, home of Potty, CH hops onto PottyLid and peers into the depths of PottyLake. He peers further and futher and further until ....
In swing the agent of D.A.D.D.Y. saving CH from dunking his head into PottyLake. Tragedy averted CH is introduced to PottyJr.

CH realizes that PottyJr is a close cousing to the Lesser Chair and thus begins to haul PottyJr into Kidroom. The devilish plot is once again foiled by D.A.D.D.Y. and PottyJr was returned to the Land of Bath.
You see, D.A.D.D.Y. is made up of a group of eternal optimists. By default they give everyone the benefit of the doubt. This is their tragic flaw.
In the land of Bath, home of Potty, CH hops onto PottyLid and peers into the depths of PottyLake. He peers further and futher and further until ....
In swing the agent of D.A.D.D.Y. saving CH from dunking his head into PottyLake. Tragedy averted CH is introduced to PottyJr.

CH realizes that PottyJr is a close cousing to the Lesser Chair and thus begins to haul PottyJr into Kidroom. The devilish plot is once again foiled by D.A.D.D.Y. and PottyJr was returned to the Land of Bath.
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