Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Royal Humor

The Queen is a royal comedian what follows is a sample of her stand-up comedy.

Queen: Knock. Knock
Agent of D.A.D.D.Y.: Who's there?
Q: Banana
AoD: Banana who?
Q: Knock. Knock
AoD: Who's there?
Q: Banana
AoD: Banana who?
Q: Knock. Knock
AoD: Who's there?
Q: Banana
AoD: Banana who?
Q: Knock. Knock
AoD: Who's there?
Q: Banana
AoD: Banana who?
Q: Knock. Knock
AoD: Who's there?
Q: Orange
AoD: Orange who?
Q: Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Q: To get some beard.
AoD: Huh?
Q: He wanted to drink some beard?

Q: Poopie!
AoD: ????!
Q: Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. I said Poopie!

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Q: Poopie!
AoD: Huh?
Q: Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. I said Poopie! That's funny.

Sunday, May 20, 2007



Queen McKenzie of Kenzie realized that movies that are on DVD are no longer shown in the theater. That realization comes with much sorrow as she now knows that she will never see Lilo and Stitch in the theater.

Thursday, May 17, 2007



Captain Hysteria (AKA Agent of Chaos) has become a member of a group of heroes. That group of heroes is known as the Wonderpets. The other members of the groups are Linny the Guinea Pig, Ming-Ming Duckling, and Turtle Tuck. The Wonderpets go globe trotting to save other animals with teamwork. The Wonderpets catchphrase is "What's going to work? Teamwork!"

Using this catchphrase you can get CH to do any number of things that he wouldn't normally do. When he steals your pencil and runs off with it, simply stating the Wonderpets credo is enough to get CH to bring it back. Chasing CH around the room? The Wonderpets credo brings CH running to you. CH jumping on the bed? The Wonderpets credo.

Of course, the good is aways balanced with the bad. As all fans of the Wonderpets know (or as mentioned above), the Wonderpets go globe trotting to SAVE OTHER ANIMALS with teamwork. Cow in the tree? The Wonderpets will save the day. Seals fighting over a treat. The Wonderpets will save the day. Unfortunately, for CH he doesn't have a tin can phone to receive animal trouble reports. This means that CH must create the situations such as toy dinosaur trapped in the barbecue sauce or rubber duckie trapped by a stream of urine (CH is mostly potty trained) or the Agent of D.A.D.D.Y's recent favorite beanie baby bear trapped in a mountain of poo (CH is mostly potty trained).

Strangely enough, the Wonderpets are noticeably absent for these rescues.

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